2008 Volume 7, Number 1
Review of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in poultry in Zaria, Nigeria (AM Wakawa, L Sa’idu, PA Abdu & TM Joannis) [Abstract] [PDF] Management of supernumerary limb in an Ouda lamb: A case report (S Buhari, AS Yakubu, A Jibril, JB Adeyanju, ML Sonfada, HS Garba, UM Chafe, S Usman, Q Opara) [Abstract] [PDF] Oral microflora of stray domestic cats (Felis catus) found in the premises of two human hospitals in Sokoto, Nigeria (AA Magaji, MA Saulawa, MD Salihu, AU Junaidu, A Shittu, ML Gulumbe, UM Chafe, S Buhari & AA Raji). [Abstract] [PDF] Cutaneous leishmaniosis: some aspects of epidemiology and a case report (OO Faleke, MD Lawal & AA Magaji). [Abstract] [PDF] Effect of ethanol root extract of Gardenia sokotensis on the level of parasitaemia in Trypanosoma brucei brucei-infected rabbits (SM Jodi, T Adamu, U Abubakar & MA Gusau). [Abstract] [PDF] Monocephalus, thoracopagus and dipygus twins in Sokoto Red goat (S Buhari, AS Yakubu, A Jibril, JB Adeyanju & UM Chafe). [Abstract] [PDF] Analysis of final year DVM research projects submitted to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UDUS (1994-2004) (AG Tsafe & SA Aliero). [Abstract] [PDF] Severe ectoparasitism and parasitic gastroenteritis in a two month old Sokoto Red kid: a case report (AI Ja’afaru, HS Garba, OJ Uko, MD Lawal, SA Habibullah, SA Shehu & LM Gulumbe). [Abstract] [PDF] A comparative rabies laboratory diagnosis: peculiar features of samples from apparently healthy dogs in Nigeria (A Garba, SI Oboegbulem, AT Elsa, AU Junaidu, AA Magaji, JU Umoh, K Yahaya, S Danbirni, AK Habu & AA Masdooq). [Abstract] [PDF] Outbreak of Viscerotropic Velogenic form of Newcastle disease in vaccinated six-weeks-old pullets (L Sa’idu & PA Abdu). [Abstract] [PDF] Haematological studies of donkeys in Sokoto State, Nigeria (AS Yakubu & UM Chafe). [Abstract] [PDF] Foetal wastage in camels slaughtered at Sokoto municipal abattoir (MB Bello, HS Garba & ML Sonfada). [Abstract] [PDF] Effect of Trypanosoma congolense infection on serum cobalt level in Yankassa sheep (JS Neils, AKB. Sackey, US Abdullahi & KAN Esievo). [Abstract] [PDF] A survey on current milk production and pricing in Sokoto State, Nigeria (A Shittu, AU Junaidu, UM Chafe, AA Magaji, OO Faleke, MD Salihu, A Jibril & MA Mahmud). [Abstract] [PDF] Growth performance and economics of sheep production with varying levels of rice milling waste (N Muhammad, SA Maigandi, WA Hassan & AI Daneji). [Abstract] [PDF] An overview of mastitis in Sokoto red goat, Nigeria (A Shittu, UM Chafe, S Buhari, AU Junaidu, AA Magaji, MD Salihu, MD Lawal & A Jibril). [Abstract] [PDF] Livestock: An alternative mosquito control measure (AA Yakubu & A Singh) [Abstract] [PDF] A radiologic study on the urinary bladder following dorsal and ventral cystotomy in mongrel dogs (ROC Kene & SC Akomas). [Abstract] [PDF] |
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