Publication Ethics


Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences (SJVS) publishes original research articles related to veterinary sciences, including livestock health and production, diseases of wildlife and fish, preventive veterinary medicine and zoonoses among others. Manuscripts are published on the explicit understanding that they have neither been published nor being considered for publication elsewhere. SJVS adheres to the ethical guidelines for publication and research and will therefore.


Manuscripts are submitted on the understanding that they have been read and approved by all authors before submission. All authors must have made substantial intellectual contribution to the study from the conception, design, acquisition of data and interpretation as well as the drafting and critical revision of the final content for publication. It is important that all authors meet these criteria. Contributors who fall short of this should only be acknowledged. Articles which are found fraudulent from conception to publication will be retracted by SJVS.

Peer-Review Process

Manuscripts are preliminarily reviewed by the editorial board for content, relevance and compliance to the SJVS format. Any manuscript that complies with the Journal format is sent to three (3) independent reviewers who are specialists in the subject area of the manuscript. SJVS uses double blind review process where authors don’t know who reviews their manuscript nor reviewers aware of the authors of the paper they are reviewing. The reviewers are to review and make recommendation(s) within three (3) weeks. The manuscript is accepted if any two (2) of these reviewers recommend publication subject to author(s) revision with or without correction(s). However, editorial decision is final although based on recommendations from the reviewers.


A reviewer is a specialist in a particular field. Such a person must have published extensively in the subject area of the manuscript and must have a minimum of a Master’s degree. The reviewer should have no conflict of interest with the research and its funding.


The editorial board is responsible for taking the final decision on either to accept or reject a manuscript. The board has no conflict of interest on the manuscript they accepted or rejected and will publish corrections and mistakes made in previous issues when necessary. The independence of the reviewers and their anonymity as well as that of the author is preserved.

Declaration statement [Click] to download.


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