2017 Volume 15 Number 1

April 2017 Volume 15 Number 1

Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnostic assays: a review of recent applications (A Mahmuda, F Bande, N Abdulhaleem, KJK Al-Zihiry, RA Majid, RA Hamat, WO Abdullah & N Zasmy)        [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin in bath medicated hybrid tilapias using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (RC Okoroafor, OO Oladele & BE Olufemi)          [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Haematological changes and wound healing effects of sildenafil citrate in diabetic albino rats (MB Mahre, B Umaru, SI Ngulde, A William, EP Atela, PA Agbutun, YH Middah & AY Zangoma)       [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Haematological changes in Isa-brown laying chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) experimentally infected with velogenic Newcastle disease virus (AO Igwe, DC Eze & ON Nwakudu)   [ABSTRACT] [PDF]     

A nine - year retrospective study of avian neoplastic diseases in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria (NA Sani, HB Aliyu, IW Musa, AM Wakawa, SE Abalaka, SB Oladele, L Sa’idu & PA Abdu)  [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Survey on knowledge of trypanosomosis amongst livestock farmers in Kachia and Saminaka local government areas of Kaduna state, Nigeria (J  Anthony & VA Maikai) [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Comparative effects of dexamethasone on placental and foetal organ weights and some linear body measurements in Yankasa sheep and Sahel goats (D Yahi, NA Ojo, GD Mshelia & VA Maina)  [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Histopathological evaluation of Oreochromis mossambicus gills and liver as biomarkers of earthen pond water pollution (SE Abalaka)  [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Detection of rotavirus VP7 gene in helmeted guinea fowls and Japanese quails in Ogun state, Nigeria (OO Oni, AA Owoade & AS Akintunde) [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Spermiogram and testicular morphological studies of the buck after treatment with ethanol leaf extract of Spondias mombin (AA Oloye, OE Ola-Davies, OL Ajayi, MO Oyeyemi, SA Olurode & BO Emikpe)  [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

Management of partial thickness burn of the dorsum skin in a 3-year-old male German shepherd (EAO Sogebi, AI Adeleye & SA Babalola)   [ABSTRACT] [PDF]

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