Anthony & Maikai 2017

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences (2017) 15(1)


Survey on knowledge of trypanosomosis amongst livestock farmers in Kachia and Saminaka local government areas of Kaduna state, Nigeria

J  Anthony & VA Maikai*

Department of Biochemistry, Kaduna state University, Tafawa Balewa Way, Kaduna, Nigeria



*Correspondence: Tel.: +2348028472629; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Animal trypanosomosis is a major constraint to livestock production and Agriculture in Africa especially Nigeria. The survey was conducted to assess the knowledge of farmers about trypanosomosis in Kachia and Saminaka Local Government Areas of Kaduna state, Nigeria. A total of two hundred questionnaires were randomly distributed to mainly animal health workers and livestock farmers to obtain relevant information. The study revealed that 32 (34.1%) and twenty four (34.3%) respondents from Kachia and Saminaka were mainly livestock farmers respectively, and 42 (44.7%) and 39 (55.7%) were between the ages of 21-40 years of age. Forty three respondents (45.8%) from Kachia and 15 (21.5%) Saminaka had knowledge of the disease and said the disease was as a result of bite by tsetsefly, with twenty eight (29.8%) Kachia and twenty nine (41.4%) Saminaka, they gave the clinical symptoms of the disease to include: - foul smell, weakness, progressive emaciation, low milk production and abortion. The respondents reported that infection of animals with the disease was associated with migration of the animals during the rainy season into the forested areas. Knowledge of management of the disease was reported by eighteen (19.1%) Kachia and fourteen 20.0%) Saminaka to include consulting of health professionals and the use of trypanocidal drugs. The survey showed that the livestock farmers did not suffer significant losses, Kachia twelve (2.8%) and Saminaka, eleven (2.0%) in their animal population as a result of the disease. The study showed that the livestock farmers had some knowledge on trypanosomosis and its management.

Keywords: Animal trypanosomosis, Kachia, Knowlegde, Livestock farmers, Saminaka

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