Hena et al June 2012


Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences (2012). 10(1):13-16.

Radiographic studies of developing calvaria at prenatal stages in one-humped camel

SA Hena, ML Sonfada,   BI Onyeanusi, ROC Kene & A Bello


Radiographic studies on the fetal heads of 32 one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) with 11 fetuses at the first trimester, 12 at the second trimester and 9 at the third trimester levels were conducted in Sokoto Metropolis. The study involved the radiographic evaluation of calvaria of different fetuses at first, second and third trimester stages of the gestational ages. Radiographic observations made in this study revealed that the onset of mineralization was recognizable even at the first trimester stage through the radio-opaque appearances of the calvaria appearing whiter on radiographs. This tendency however increased with increase in gestational age of the fetuses showing that because of their highly calcified calvaria, the fetuses at the third trimester were more radio-opaque to X-ray energy thus appearing whiter on the radiographs. Sutural demarcations were not clear on the radiographs made in this study, but however, clear evidences of fontanels were seen as localised radio-lucent areas on the calvaria more especially at the first trimester stage. The findings in this research would help in understanding the radiographical anatomy of the developing calvaria in this animal species.


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