Abubakar & Ohiaege December 2011

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 9(2):16-19


Replacement value of cassava peels for maize in the diets of broiler finisher chickens


A Abubakar & PE Ohiaege


A study was conducted to investigate the effects of replacing maize (MZ) with cassava peels (CSP) on the performance characteristics of broiler finisher. Five diets were formulated where MZ was replaced with CSP. The diets were diet 1 (100% MZ : 0% CSP), diet 2 (75% MZ : 25% CSP), diet 3 (50% MZ : 50% CSP) diet 4 (25% MZ : 75% CSP) and diet 5 (0% MZ : 100% CSP). Diet 1 served as control treatment. A total of 150 birds were used for the experiment. Thirty birds were assigned to each treatment and each treatment replicated three times with ten birds per replicate. The birds (arbor acre strain) were fed ad libitum for 28 days. Data on feed consumption, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, nutrient retention, water intake and cost benefit ratio were recorded. Results showed that average feed intake (AFI) and body weight gain (BWG) were significantly higher (P0.05) among birds for all treatments. The cost per kilogram live weight gain was lower (P<0.5) for birds fed diet 3. Cost-benefit ratio showed a reduction of 20.6% in the cost of production of birds fed diet 3 over that of control group. Average mortality of 6.67 % was recorded for birds fed diets 1, 3 and 5. It was concluded that CSP can replace MZ without any adverse effects on the performance characteristics of finisher broilers.

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