Neil et al November 2008

Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 7(2):39-43


Ethno-veterinary practices: the perception among the Fulani cattle rearers in Adamawa State, Nigeria

JS Neils JO Nzalak, AKB Sackey & JO Okpara


One hundred homesteads in ten sedentary villages situated north of the State capital were selected because of high density of livestock and used for this study. Questionnaire was used to obtain data on production constraints and types of husbandry practices. The predominant husbandry system is extensive constituting (53.06%). Production constraints in order of importance are diseases (59.0%); feed (37.0%) and theft, (4%). Diseases that affect animals are FMD (36.0%); Helminthosis (31.0%); Pneumonia (10.0%); Dermatophilosis (8.0%); whilst Foot rot and Trypanosomiasis accounted for 5.0% each, with abortion and Blackquarter having 3.0% and 2.0% respectively. Most homesteads (64.28%) treat the animals using their knowledge of ethnoveterinary medicine whilst 15.31% call for veterinary services (orthodox medicine) and 20.41% combine ethnoveterianry and orthodox medicine. Ethnoveterianry and orthodox practices have existed for long together in the treatment of animal ailments, but the basis for which some of the practices are employed might not be explained, it simply works. Though there are limitations, these may be the reasons why orthodox medicine practices are sought.

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