Ofukwu et al November 2008
Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 7(2):28-31
Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in duck faeces around drinking water sources in Makurdi, north-central Nigeria
RA Ofukwu, AEJ Okoh & CA Akwuobu Abstract Faeces from one hundred and ninety-two ducks feeding around ten wells and six ponds in peri urban areas of Makurdi town, North-Central Nigeria were randomly sampled during the dry season period of October, 2004 to March, 2005. In total, one hundred and ninety-two samples were cultured for Campylobacter jejuni, followed by biochemical characterization of suspected Campylobacter isolates using standard methods. The overall incidence rate was 63.5%. Incidence rates were very high, 61.7% and 66.7% for faeces obtained from the ducks around wells and ponds respectively. The incidence rate was highest in the month of February, where 80.0% and 83.3% of the faeces samples were positive for wells and ponds, respectively, lowest (40%) in the month of October for wells and March for ponds (50%). Campylobacter jejuni infection in ducks was highly associated (P = 0.36%) with diarrhoea as Campylobacter was isolated from 76.7% of cases with diarrhoea. Water samples from 66.7% of the wells and 83.3% of the ponds were also Campylobacter positive. The presence of this pathogen in duck faeces and sources of drinking water pose a very serious public health problem. There is therefore a need to intensify public health education and protect the wells and ponds against contamination and pollution. |
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