

  September 2020 Volume 18 Number 3


Microbiota of gills and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of bacteria isolates from Clarias gariepinus in different holding facilities (DA Adah, L Saidu, SJ Oniye, SA Adah, OB Daodu, SM David & AO Olatunde) [PDF]

Knowledge, attitude and perception of related toxicity of pesticide exposure in humans and animals in Ibadan, Nigeria (OA Oridupa, KO Awotunsin, J Ogunsola, AB Saba & AD Obisesan) [PDF]

Effects of Allium cepa L. peels extract on gonadotropins, testosterone and sperm variables in Oba Marshal broiler cocks (OE Adeleye, OM Oguntayo, AI Adeleye, AS Adetomiwa & OE Ariyo) [PDF]

Alterations in haematological parameters of multiple in-utero insonated rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) (SY Idris, M Lawal, JS Enam, MS Muhammed, Y Muhammad & A Saleh) [PDF]

Biosecurity challenges in the control of avian influenza in Nigeria (SI Ijoma, ER Agusi, VI Ifende, OH Osemeke, VT Columba & CA Meseko) [PDF]

Melatonin and garlic cytoprotective-ameliorative effects on dibutyl phthalate intoxication on sperm DNA and testicular biomakers of rabbits (M Shinkut, T Aluwong, PI Rekwot, AI Nwannenna & FU Samuel) [PDF]

Co-circulation of dengue virus 1 and 2 several years after single serotype detection in Cross River State, Nigeria (AB Onoja, UE George & IS Gadzama) [PDF]

Comparative anatomy of wild adult tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testes during rainy and dry periods in Zaria, Nigeria (TA Muazu, MH Sulaiman & J Hambolu) [PDF]

Outbreak and management of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in 2-week-old Lohmann brown pullets (OO Oladele, NO Ameji, GY Gurumyen, OD Omoniwa & E Joseph) [PDF]

Correction to: Comparison of electrocardiographic parameters of racing and non-racing horses in Sokoto Nigeria (B Saidu, AI Ja’afaru, HM Ibrahim, A Dahiru, AM Abdullahi, C Onwuchekwa, N Abdulazeez, NN Pilau, A Abdulrasheed & AJ Bamaiyi) [PDF]